For the second day in a row, Ben and I woke up before dawn. Since I'm not a morning person, I'm chalking this trend up to our internal clocks still being a bit off. But since we woke up at 4:30 am, we decided to walk down to the breakwater (Nobbys Head) to watch the sunrise over the Pacific Ocean (which is new for me, I mean the Pacific is usually west, the sun SETS over the Pacific, not rises!). It was a nice brisk walk, and we were certainly not alone - bikers, joggers, people out waking their dogs. It was a beautiful morning to be out walking along the coast line of Newcastle.
After checking out of our hotel, we got back in the car and drove north some more. Decided to make a stop off in the Port Stephens area, in the town of Nelson Bay. Somehow we managed to NOT take any pictures; there wasn't much there to see anyway - well, other than a gorgeous beach with crystal clear blue water - but those seem to be everywhere around here! ;) We were hoping to get some lunch, but it was only 11:00 - and they didn't start lunch until noon (See, this is why I don't get up early, you have to wait SO long for lunch!!).
Back in the car, we continued our journey north to Port Macquarie. I smile each and every time I see the word Macquarie on an Australian map. A few months ago when Ben off-handedly suggested Australia (who knew?), he recommended I read Bill Bryson's In a Sunburned Country (published as Down Under in the UK). Since I've enjoyed some of his other books, I took to this one instantly, plus it was nice to have something to read on my bus commutes into Seattle. Anyway, Bryson comedically analyses the over-use of "Macquarie" in Australian geography. Evidently Lachlan Macquire was the governor of New South Wales in the early 1800s (and popularized the use of the name "Australia"- at the time, the entire country was collectively being referred to as Botany Bay - imagine, the whole continent being called "Botany Bay") If you have a moment, seriously, check out the list of things named after this guy!
We didn't see much of Port Macquarie, but we liked our hotel - outdoor hammocks on the 6th floor and a heated pool and spa on floor 1, all of which we visited ;) If that wasn't nice enough, there was a pretty decent mexican restaurant next door ;) The place had ceramic place-mats with common Spanish words and their translations - for example, por favor= please. Nothing unusual or unknown to us, but the "Hola" translation was G'Day Mate. It made us both laugh a little bit ;)