
Bought High, Sold Low

Often times I get asked if I think I made the right decision leaving Florida. Usually, I don't know what to say, on one hand my life is so completely different (in good ways) than what it was, but on the other hand, I miss so much about my former Florida life (i.e. my kickass Florida friends!). So every once in a while, I wonder if I really did make a smart decision.

Well, I think I got some proof of a smart decision today! My very observant bike-riding friend Keri made my day (week, possibly my month, depends on when I hear from the visa people ;) ). She was riding her bike through my old neighborhood a few months ago and saw a For Sale sign in my former front yard. Then a few days ago, she noticed the sign was gone. Prompting her to do a little investigation on the Brevard Property Appraiser website and found something TRULY shocking!!

You can check out specifics here, but the basic idea is that I sold my house in September 2006 for $300,000 (sold for $350,000 with $50,000 cash back on signing). But the shocking part is, the guy who purchased my home recently sold my house for $200,000. So in under 2 years, the value of my (former) house dropped over a hundred grand!

This makes me believe I finally made a smart decision, I bought low and sold high...unlike the most recent seller ;)


Keri Donald said...

That is really so freakin' crazy!!!

Ben Hale said...

Got me a sugar momma!

Nikki said...

So awesome. Its nice when things like that work out in your favor. Glad someone I know was able to make the most of the crazy market. :)