
Would Francis by any other name still be my roommate?

Right after I submitted my housing request I remembered thinking, there wasn't anywhere on that form for my gender. (Lucky for me, my parents named me with a genderly appropriate name.) Fast forward a few weeks to last week. The idea of knowing nothing about my future roommate, I asked the BSN (dorm) people about her. "She'll be here soon" is the only response I got, and so I verified, "It is a girl, right?" Well, cause you never know, I'm in Europe! "Definitely a girl." Well they were wrong, cause HE is definitely not the SHE they promised me. That's right- I'm living with a boy. I guess somewhere in the communications between the school and dorm, the gender classification of my roommate, Francis, got misplaced. I didn't want to be a complete social outcast on the topic, but really, who wants to spend 5 months trying to convince a 20 year old boy to put the seat down? So I waited until the next morning and I went to discuss the issue with the dorm people. Seems there are no other rooms currently available. So in the mean time, I'm living with a Canadian boy from Quebec. For the most part it is an acceptable situation. We each have our own room to ourselves, and we only have to share the common area (which is a bathroom and a kitchen). Should prove to be an interesting couple months indeed.

1 comment:

Keri Donald said...

I bet Alf would be afraid to live with anyone named Francis!