It was around 1:00 pm (or as I *should* say: 13:00- I need to transition to the 24 hour clock) and I decided to take the tram down to the waterfront and visit the Nobel Peace Center (Nobels Fredssenter). This museum opened last summer and is very modern with many interactive exhibits- it was a very interesting museum and I learned a great deal. I don't want to sound too "boring-museum-y" but: Every year the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded at the Oslo City Hall (Oslo RÃdhus) on the10th of December (the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death). It was outlined in Nobel's will to present this award in Oslo (all other Nobel awards are given in Stockholm) "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses". Perhaps the most interesting thing I learned was not that Nobel was a VERY rich man, and when he died he left his fortune to recognize the most significant efforts in sciences and peace, but rather HOW Nobel amassed his fortune: he invented dynamite and ballistite (smokeless gun powder). Nobel's inventions contributed to millions of deaths, causing Nobel great guilt and a desire to repair some of his damage by promoting peace.
After the museum I spent some more time walking around downtown and decided to head home around 18:00. When I got to the subway station there was a train in the station, and all the monitors said it was Linje (Line) 5: Storo, so I ran and jumped on. A few minutes later when we started off in an opposite direction did it occur to me that perhaps this might not be the train I wanted! Oh well. I rode the Line 2 all the way to the end, where I briefly got out to see the amazing view (I was high in the hills on the outskirts of Oslo) and then right back onto the train back into town so I could catch the right train! When I got home I decided to go on another walk around the neighborhood - I hadn't gone uphill from where I lived yet (cause really- who goes exploring UP-hill?) It was a workout and I didn't really find anything of interest.
Next day was Sunday and this was a lazy day for me. I took my school book to Frogner Park to do some reading. I think I did much more people watching than reading though. I must say one oddity I was not expecting was for my books to be written in "British" English; as are all my class presentations and handouts and stuff. I was prepared for all the extra "u"'s (harbour, favourite, etc) but I wasn't prepared for all the "organised programmes." Just another thing for me to adjust to! On my way home I did some grocery shopping and then I went for another long walk around my new favorite park. Not a bad way to spend a lazy Sunday. Figure I better enjoy the weather while I can - I hear winter comes quick in Norway! :)

By the time I got home Monday night I was sore and tired! Good news is - I'm losing weight. Bad new is- I've been sore since I've gotten here! But its been a lot of fun so far, as overwhelming as it can be sometimes! So Tuesday is back to school for me, and the start to my second week as a Norwegian Student. I'll be sure to post all about it!
1 comment:
Studying in Frogner park!?!? How awesome!!! :) Don't let all of the nakedness distract you (fortunately the statues aren't your friends, so you should be okay)! ;)
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